Today Nathan went with my brother, Greg, to the Evergreen Aviation Museum for some bro-time. Being a pilot, Greg naturally is interested in that kind of stuff. Nathan went once before with his dad, and has wanted to go again ever since.
I was left to play with Elias, but since it was such a beautiful morning, I decided we’d go to the zoo. We hadn’t been (except for our five zoo lights trips) since November. The zoo was a lot more crowded than I had anticipated. I guess a lot of people were itching to get out and enjoy the sunshine.
We got to see the leopards up really close as well as the cheetahs! Both cheetahs actually bared their teeth at us…I don’t know if it was supposed to be a warning or a greeting…The cheetahs actually have such large, friendly eyes that it’s hard to imagine them hunting and killing. Elias had a lot of fun on our morning zoo trip. Here are some pictures with details in the captions: