Beautiful Autumn

As I was looking through some pictures of Elias from last fall, I realized that we have not been outdoors nearly as much this year. So…when Elias woke up early from his nap on Monday, and it wasn’t raining, I jumped at the chance to get us some fresh air.

It was so simple to just put on some shoes and head out to the grassy area of our complex. It made me wonder why I’ve waited so long. Elias loved throwing his ball around, playing “bat and ball”, running in circles on the grass, and just plain stomping around in some leaves.

Now I will share some of our joy:

Good ‘ol fashioned bat and ball

Elias yelling, “Mommy get it” after his ball rolled into the parking lot

Experimenting with the bat and the tree….

Happy Boy

And finally…the perfectly timed shot…Mommy watch out!


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