The Last Day

Elias on his last day as an only child.

Elias on his last day as an only child.

Well…today really was the last day of being a family of three. I think there was definitely a good reason that God chose to make babies come (somewhat) unexpectedly. It is causing me a bit more anxiety knowing exactly when it will happen. (I suppose he could choose to make his entrance in the middle of the night tonight…and then it would be a bit unexpected).

Anyway, in less than 12 hours I’ll almost positively have a baby in my arms. Amazing to think about. My emotions ran the gamut today. Happy and excited. Nervous. But also sad. As I snuggled Elias before his nap I realized I won’t have as much time to do things like that after the baby arrives. I treasured every moment I could with Elias.

Elias and Daddy playing with plah-doh during our evening together.

Elias and Daddy playing with plah-doh during our evening together.

Nathan went in to work early so that he could come home early. He timed his arrival home almost perfectly when Elias woke up from his nap. Then we just played and loved on him until it was time to take him to Ama and Baba’s house where he will stay for the duration of our hospital time.

It was Elias’ last day as an only child. He doesn’t really understand what is in store for him…but I hope that he loves his little brother and comes out all the better for it in the end.

With any luck, my next blog post will be a big ol’ picture of Elias and his baby brother.

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