You Know You’re Raising Your Child Right When…..

You Know You’re Raising Your Child Right When…..

He sings along with Bob Dylan!

I’ve never thought much of Bob Dylan. I mean, he’s a great songwriter. And the instrumentals are great. But, oh, that voice. That horrible voice. No matter how much I am forced to listen, it just isn’t growing on me. (Although I have to admit the Bob Dylan Christmas album has a bit of a charm to it. Maybe it’s just the holiday spirit helping out)

Nathan is a big fan, though, (probably because his Dad is) so we end up listening to Bob a lot at home. Nathan really wants Elias and Simon to be fans. So he’s indoctrinating them early. One morning a few months ago, Elias said to me: “I want to listen to some Bob Dylan”. I turned my face away, rolled my eyes, gave a silent sigh, and then turned back to him smiling and said, “Go tell Daddy. It will make him very happy.”

On Sunday afternoon, the boys were playing play-doh while I worked in the kitchen. Bob Dylan was on in the background. Nathan started singing along in his best nasally voice….and Elias started repeating. He’s probably the only two year old who sings Bob Dylan. He’s been sing/shouting “How does it feel!” all day.

Grandpa Smith, this one’s for you:

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