Elias’ First Tubing Adventure

On Sunday we went to Henry Hagg Lake with Ama and Baba and Uncle Scott. We go at least once every summer on a hot day to cool off and have fun at the lake.

Swimming in the lake! Elias was a bit cold by this point.

Swimming in the lake! Elias was a bit cold by this point.

We left straight from church, and started out at the lake with a picnic on the boat. There is a 5mph or under section of the lake that we just sat in and drifted around while we ate our lunches. Then we suited up and went swimming. The lake was very cold, but it did feel really nice after a minute or so of getting used to it. And the nicest part was the air was so warm, that you didn’t feel cold getting out. Elias jumped into the lake three times. He even put his head under! (Although he didn’t seem too thrilled about that part).

Ama, Elias, and Uncle Scott on the tube.

Ama, Elias, and Uncle Scott on the tube.

After some play time in the water, we decided to do some tubing. My parents have a 4-person tube so we decided to let Elias have his first ride. He sat between Nathan and I and we were towed by the boat at about 3 mph. Elias loved it! So Uncle Scott (the driver) gradually edged up the speed until we were going about 8 or 10 mph. Elias had a blast. He kept saying, “Let’s go around another circle!” Finally, we stopped and let Ama and Uncle Scott have a turn. Elias got to stay on for another round.

At that point, Elias had been out in the sun for an hour or so, and even with sunscreen, we thought he needed a break. Elias came in, and Ama, Uncle Scott, and Daddy went out for a fast ride. Later Mommy got a turn too.

Now Elias can say he’s been tubing since he was 2! Here are a few more pictures of the boys enjoying the lake day:


Elias relaxing on the tube while we drifted around the lake.


Simon had a good time too! He didn’t go in the lake, but he got to dip his feet in off the back of the boat.

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