A Little Shadow

Simon is getting more and more mobile every day. Crawling is second nature. Standing is getting easier. Climbing is a possibility. He is my little shadow. Simon follows me around as I fold laundry or make dinner. He is able to play more and more now as well. When he is not tagging along with me, he is Elias’ little shadow. Elias is not sure how to take this new development. I hear, “Mommy you pick up Simon!” quite often as well as “That’s not for you, Simon!” I think one of my most commonly repeated phrases these days is, “Sometimes it’s fun to play alone and sometimes it’s fun to play together.” The boys have gotten some fun opportunities to play together in the last couple of days.

Swords! Simon got in on the sword action. Uncle Scott left these over at our house, and Elias has taken maximum advantage of that fact. He mostly likes to play swords with Nathan or me, but he has played with Simon a few times.

Swords! Simon got in on the sword action. Uncle Scott left these over at our house, and Elias has taken maximum advantage of that fact. He mostly likes to play swords with Nathan or me, but he has played with Simon a few times.

"What's going on big brother?"

“What’s going on big brother?”

"Come on let me see! What's in there?"

“Come on let me see! What’s in there?”

I saved up Pampers Reward points for a long time and finally got enough for this elephant ball toy. It is accessible for Simon's age, and still fun for Elias' age and beyond!

I saved up Pampers Reward points for a long time and finally got enough for this elephant ball toy. It is accessible for Simon’s age, and still fun for Elias’ age and beyond!

Simon watching Elias as usual.

Simon watching Elias as usual.

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