It’s A …….

Nathan and I were lucky enough to see our baby this morning during our anatomy ultrasound. I’m exactly 20 weeks today…half way through my pregnancy. We got some good pictures of baby.

10JUL2015_14We even got to do a bit of the 3D ultrasound, and see a bit more realistic pictures. Here you can see the face with an arm up over the head.

10JUL2015.2_4This evening, we invited a bunch of family over to hang out, eat dinner, and reveal the gender of our baby.

Uncle Greg and Auntie Shaina called in for face time to see the big reveal. Here are the boys excited to see them on the phone.

P1230289 P1230290Then we got to the reveal. I purchased a present for the baby for each of the boys to open. So here you go. It’s a ……


It’s a……….



P1230291We are thrilled to be having three boys. Elias said he is “surprised and excited.” (He guessed it would be a girl). I can’t wait to have another little one tagging along with Elias and Simon.

Here’s one of the little feet that will be running around!

10JUL2015_9I promised my cousin Christine I’d give her credit on the blog for being the first to call it would be a boy…even before we were even trying for a third one!

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