6 Weeks

Caleb is 6 weeks old today, and that is a milestone with more meaning than you’d think. Since my incision from the c-section has healed well it means I can hold my two older babies again. It means I can exercise. It means I can vacuum myself rather than bothering Nathan for days until it gets done.

It also means Caleb is growing up. Already we’ve noticed big changes. He is so much more alert and aware of his surroundings. He has much more quiet alert and active alert time as long as he can see me or another family member. I remember just a few weeks ago when I could not put him down without him crying…even for a minute. Today he sat in the bouncer chair for almost an hour watching Nathan and Elias and me. I also read to him a bunch and he was super interested in looking at the books.

20160106_144821After reading this book about 15 times, I played peek-a-boo with Caleb. At first he just stared at me with an unimpressed sort of look. But then he gave me some big grins.

20160106_145535Six weeks has gone so quickly, and yet life “before” seems so long ago.

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