11 Years of Marriage

Yesterday, Nathan and I celebrated 11 years of marriage. We spent the morning at the boys’ tball game, and the afternoon was spent doing some weeding and bark dust shoveling. In the evening, my parents watched the boys and put them to bed so that we could go on a date. Nathan took me to dinner, and then we went to a paint class. I’ve wanted to do a paint night for years, and it just never worked out. Finally, Nathan got me a gift certificate for Christmas, and the stars aligned to make it possible for us to go on our anniversary.

Nathan thought he might be the only man there. But art is not just for women. There were tons of men there, both old and young.

Before we began, it was quite intimidating to stare at a large white canvas. But they made it (relatively) easy, and both Nathan and I were happy with our paintings.

It was a super fun anniversary date, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat!

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