Taking in the Northwest

Snow at the zoo in March!

This morning was crisp and clear…such a beautiful morning in the northwest. I thought I’d take Elias to the Oregon Zoo to see some animals and get some fresh air. I bundled us up…because the sun doesn’t bring warmth this time of year. In fact, when we got to the zoo, there was snow in many places where the sun’s rays had not shone yet.

Elias was really excited by some of the animals in the Great Northwest exhibits. It was a perfect day to go. There was almost no one there so we had almost all the exhibits to ourselves. The

Elias was quite interested by many of the animals. Here he is watching a mountain goat.

animals were active since it was sunny and cool. We saw a few things we’ve never seen before. The black bears were super active and playful. They were digging in the snow right in front of the window, and were playing together. Elias and I realized how tall they are!

Here are a few of Elias’ favorite animals (judging by his reactions as we watched them):


Playful black bears. The glass was super reflective so it was hard to get a good picture. Elias watched these bears for a good fifteen minutes.

Elias pointing out what he sees.

Mountain goats

Bald Eagles

Elias loved the duck area. He kept talking to them, saying "hi." He especially liked this white bird which flew across the pond and landed right next to us.

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