First Tummy Time!

There is so much emphasis on having babies sleep on their backs because of SIDS that infants and toddlers are starting to get flat heads on the back side. Because of this, there is also a lot of emphasis on “Tummy Time.” We have read a lot about tummy time and heard about it in all of our classes before Elias was born. With more tummy time, their little heads can stay round.

Last night, Elias had his first tummy time. Nathan was really excited to try it out.  The little guy seemed a little surprised at first, like he didn’t know what was going on. We are excited for the time when he will be able to lift his head a little more so that he can look around. He is already very strong, but can’t quite lift his head enough yet. When he tried, he ended up face planting into the blanket and getting stuck. Poor guy. Here are a couple of pictures from the first tummy time.

Elias during his first tummy time.

Olive wants in on it, too.

Overall, things are going pretty well in the Smith household. At times we feel hugely unprepared to be parents, but we love our little “Makana” so much. He is truly a joy and a blessing. We think Elias is having a growth spurt because he wants to eat so much and so often. I feel like any time he is awake he is rooting. The internet says growth spurts are normal between 1 and 3 weeks, and last for a couple days. Hopefully things will slow down soon.

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