Advent: Day 10

Advent reminds me of that song “Light of the World.” The beginning lyrics are

Light of the world, You stepped down into darkness
Opened my eyes, let me see

My two boys proud of their work. The luminaries are ready to be displayed outside. Elias just wanted to look at what was in the bags instead of at the camera….

Though Elias is too young to really understand a metaphor, I thought it would still provide a good basis for some advent activities. Earlier today he was talking a lot about the advent candles. (He is really into talking about how many we get to light). I talked to him a bit about how one of the names of Jesus is “light of the world” and we talked about how candles bring us light when it is dark. I also used his favorite flashlight to talk about light.

Then later after dinner, and when Daddy

Our five luminaries on the balcony

was home, we made luminaries. Elias, Nathan, and I decorated paper bags with the same stickers we used for wrapping paper. We filled them with a bit of kitty litter and a lit tea light candle, then put them out on our balcony for the world to see!

It was a fun activity, and they turned out really nice. Nathan said he was reminded of one of his all time favorite

A close up of one luminary

memories…his dad’s (Grandpa Smith’s) street used to be lined with luminaries every Christmas time, and Nathan loved to see them.

We enjoyed the family time together, and Elias had a blast picking out stickers to decorate with. Day 10 of advent was a success!

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