A lot of people have been asking me lately, “How are you feeling?” My usual response…..”Oh you know…hanging in there…not too bad for being 39 weeks pregnant.” To close family and friends I give a bit more of a detailed update. What is really going on inside my head at those moments? “What does it look like? I’m waddling, grunting, sighing, and it looks like I have a basketball under my shirt. My wedding rings don’t fit and my face is chubby and everything hurts. Oh…and by the way…thanks for bringing it up. I had just got my mind off of my present condition and now you’ve reminded me again.”
But that would be rude to say…right?
I know people have the best intentions. And I’m guilty of asking that question too. So I can’t really blame anyone. But just for the record…in case you were wondering…I’m done! I want this baby out!
Unfortunately, my doctor no longer believes conditions are favorable for VBAC. It was a crashing disappointment in my morning. But Nathan and I are trying to keep our heads up and our moods high. I have a c section scheduled for February 13th. (6 days after my due date). If I go into labor on my own before then, my doctor is willing to try…but assured me that success was unlikely. C section is likely no matter if I go into labor on my own or not. I’d still rather try for VBAC than not…. so…come on baby…you’ve got 12 days to come out on your own.
Please pray for us!