Since I am the one with the milk, I end up spending a lot of time with
Simon. I try to be with Elias as much as I can…but in the beginning he didn’t want to be anywhere near Simon, hence, he didn’t want to be anywhere near me. Once he actually hid behind the rocking chair, pushing me away. That sure brought tears to my eyes. Now that he is getting more comfortable with Simon, I get to spend more time with Elias. Nathan is also being great about taking Simon for awhile so that I can have some quality time with Elias.
One of the things that Elias loves to do is decorate sugar cookies. Nathan took him to the grocery store yesterday morning and let him pick out any sprinkles he wanted. (He picked blue sugar crystals). Then we baked some sugar cookies together. This morning we decorated them.
Here is our cookie baking in pictures: