It was a beautiful day again here in Portland. I’ve been wanting to take the boys to the wading pool for a while now, so I took the opportunity to go today. I called Nana and invited her to come play with us.
Getting a toddler and an infant (and myself) ready for the wading pool was more difficult than I had planned on. But we made it out to the pool and the water was so inviting. Elias started having fun immediately. Nana joined us after a bit, and Elias played catch with her as well as just playing around the pool. Simon chewed on a lobster dive ring, sat in the water, and was exploring the texture of the concrete.
We had a lot of fun at the wading pool, but after a little over an hour, we had crept too far into Simon’s nap time, and he was starting to let us know it! I got out to get Simon changed, and told Elias he had a few more minutes to play, and then it would be time to get out. I changed Simon, and then came back to tell Elias it was time to clean up the toys we had used, and get out. He cleaned up a lot of toys. He was a very helpful boy. I told him it was time to get out, but he kept wanting to go clean up more toys. I thought he was just trying to extend his time in the wading pool so I was not very happy about it, but I let him clean up a few more things. Then we got out to go get dressed.
After we were all safely in the car, Simon fell asleep almost immediately. I was talking with Elias about our trip to the wading pool. I did not want him to fall asleep in the car! I asked Elias what his favorite part of the wading pool was. Without hesitation, he said, “My favorite part was cleaning up the toys.”
I was stunned. The part I had tried to rush him through. The part I thought he would resist. The part I thought would be the least fun. After I recovered from my surprise, I asked him what else was fun about the wading pool. He said, “looking at the fountain, jumps, seeing Nana, and swimming.”
Then he asked me what my favorite part was. I think I said something about watching him splash and smile was my favorite part, but I was still thinking about his saying “cleaning up the toys” was his favorite part. It just made me think about how many moments I just pass through without really living them. Without really being present. Cleaning up the toys for me was a way to teach him to be conscientious about using public toys, and a way to transition him out of the pool. For him it was the best part. Because he was actually living in those moments. He’s got the right idea.