Far Too Much Satisfaction From A Sticker

P1210320Last night I went to pick up Elias from AWANA. When I got to the door and they called his name, he ran up and immediately showed me his hand.

“Look, Mama! I got a sticker!”

One of his teachers who was guarding the door (making sure no kids escaped with the wrong adults) told me that he got the sticker for listening well.

Pride immediately bloomed in my chest. As a teacher, I know how great it is when kids listen. Good for the kids, good for the teachers, good for fellow students. I was just so happy that my child was one of the ones who was a good listener…and not the sticker-less variety.

I know this is just one instance, and if I had to choose the one of my children who was better at listening and following directions, I would probably tell you it was Simon. It made me think, though, and I realized that while Elias may not always obey or follow my directions, he is always listening. He is always soaking in what is happening around him, and he is a good kid. Listening isn’t only about following directions afterward. There is so much more. I was also glad that when he is away from home and I am not there, he is showing respect to his teachers and being a good listener.

I got far too much satisfaction from that little sticker.

Don’t worry, though, I’m keeping a level head about it. At the dinner table this evening, he announced that when he grows up he just wants to do armpit farts. So he’s a normal boy after all.

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