Storage cleanout

We have constantly struggled in our life together with having too much stuff in the house. It started when we got married and had to combine parts of two households into one. Then as we went to graduate school and started careers, we accumulated even more stuff. None of the places we have lived are particularly large. Add clearing a baby’s room into the mix and that makes for some cramped quarters!

So today we decided to Clean Out the Storage (TM). In order to accomplish this task distraction-free, we procured baby-sitting. Then I proceeded to empty out our storage. Yes, again. But this time our house is not a complete disaster afterwards.

After clearing everything out, each of us proceeded to sort our stuff into “keep” and “giveaway” and “ahh, why did I hang on to this lame old thing for so many years?!?!” I found myself giving away many previously-indispensable books from college and seminary. Kim got rid of some teaching materials. We made a lot of space in our storage, and re-organized everything so it fits better.

Then we went on to pull a bunch of stuff out of our closets (particularly our son’s) and get it better organized in the storage. The end result is a lot less crowded feeling house and a storage unit that, while full, is not a hazard to enter. Mission accomplished (again).

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