It’s week 26 of my pregnancy now and that leaves….just over three months until the due date. It’s causing mixed feelings. Up until a week or so ago I was feeling great. I was relatively small…I was in the great 2nd trimester phase. The due date still seemed a long way off.
I’m starting to feel big. I can’t bend over easily, and I get out of breath way too easily. Things hurt. So you’d think I would be looking forward to a quick next three months….it’s only going to get harder and harder as the weeks pass.
But frankly, as much as I want this second little boy in my life, he scares me. How will I handle two kids at once? How will we make enough room for another one? Are we even doing a good enough job with our first? We have a routine, you know…what will happen to that? What about bed time and meals and nap time? Will I give enough attention to Elias?
Sometimes I make myself go crazy with these kinds of questions.
But as with most things in life…I know that the time will pass and we will be ready enough and we will find new routines. Elias has so much loving family in town, and I love him more than he can even imagine right now so that will help us through.
God give me strength, and patience, and sanity during the next three months and beyond.