The Oregon Gymnasitcs Acadamy brings a lot of fun memories for me. My brother was quite an accomplished gymnast for awhile in his youth. When I was in high school, I would occasionally pick him up from practice. For some reason, I had never gotten around to taking Elias there. In fact, he doesn’t have much experience with gymnastics or tumbling at all. So when our MOMS club was offered a free play time there, I snapped up the opportunity to go.
Elias and Simon both had a ton of fun there, but Elias was able to a lot more of course since Simon is just barely walking. The boys enjoyed the trampolines and the foam pit the most. My pictures weren’t very good, but I will still post them since you can still tell how much fun was being had:
Trampolines! These were Elias’ favorite by far.
Simon explored some of the equipment while Elias continued on the trampolines:
Everyone had fun in the foam pit…even Mommy for a little bit:
I can definitely see myself signing the boys up for a class here in the future. The teachers were patient and good with the young ones. And everyone had a blast. We’ll wait a bit, though, because we just committed to swimming lessons for the spring. It’s funny I never thought I would be bringing my own kids here when I used to pick up my little brother…..