Simon Turned 2!

Simon is now a big two year old! We spent the morning dedicated to hosting a big valentines party for our friends. That tuckered Simon out because he napped two and a half hours! I don’t think he has done that since he was about three months old! He woke up a little groggy, and there were only a few minutes until Daddy got home so I turned on some Curious George for the boys to watch while Simon rejoined the land of the awake.

Once Daddy got home it was party time! We had a pizza party. Then while Nathan and I cleaned up the dinner mess, the boys played. Simon chose puzzles. Here is my big two year old:

P1210327Then it was time for him to open presents from Mommy and Daddy. He wasn’t the only one excited about it.

P1210335After the first present he wanted to stop and read it. That’s my boy.

P1210337Elias quickly tutored him in present opening by saying something like, “Put that book down! Open another present!” And so he did. We got him a small bowling set that the boys had fun with. (Although later in the evening as we approached bed time it caused more tears than happiness because their sharing skills were diminishing by the minute).

P1210347The main thing we got Simon, though, was a mini basketball hoop. Both boys had a blast with it.

P1210341 P1210343After play time, Simon got to have a little bit of dessert: strawberry ice cream. He thoroughly enjoyed it. (Please ignore my hair in the picture. I think there is a weird shadow effect going on with the flash. It did not actually look like it appears below….or maybe it did and no one told me. I live with three boys after all).

P1210348I am now the mommy of a two year old again. Yay!

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