How We Do Summer

We’ve been enjoying summer despite the heat. One way has been to run through the sprinklers. My boys love swimming at the pool, but I couldn’t get them interested in the fountains at parks or in the sprinklers at home for the life of me. One really hot day a couple of weeks ago, though, I finally said enough was enough. We were getting in some sprinkler time! Once the boys saw me running through they had to join in. And they had a blast! (of course). I took a break for a couple of pictures, but I’ve been trying to take less pictures and make more memories lately so I only got a couple.

P1230373Shortly after this picture was taken the boys decided they didn’t want to wear their clothes. I guess they were too inhibiting and heavy when they were soaking wet. So…I moved them to the backyard where they could run around nakers. The fun continued!

What’s another way we enjoy the summer? Good ol’ fashioned bat and ball in the front yard, chalk, hide and seek, and bicycle riding are favorites around here. I loved this picture of the boys. Elias was chasing a ball he had hit across the street, and Simon was chasing after him on the trike. It was such a perfect picture. Cape flowing behind him, riding his trike without using the pedals, and a polo with only a diaper on underneath. Leaning forward, ready to take on the world. Classic Simon.


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