Simon’s Big Boy Room

Last night the boys got to sleep over at Ama and Baba’s house in order to “practice” for the baby’s arrival, and to get them out of our hair so we could get some things done.

On the agenda: Paint the nursery, swap the furniture between Simon’s and the baby’s rooms, clean out and set up Simon’s big boy room.

After we dropped the boys off, we got to work taping. Then Nathan painted while I cleaned out Simon’s room and prepped it for the big swap. After that was done we got to relax and watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows without having the volume turned down!

It was a great night of sleep. No one came in my room in the middle of the night and tried to sleep with us. When I woke up in the morning and asked Nathan what time it was, I was shocked to find out that it was 8:40 a.m. I haven’t gotten to sleep in that long in…well…I can’t remember. And let’s face it. That won’t be happening again any time soon. We went to breakfast at biscuits cafe, and then came home to finish our work setting up Simon’s big boy room.

It turned out really well! Here is the view from the doorway:

20151024_121524View from the window. The boat bed is going on a jungle cruise:

20151024_121556And the view from the bookshelf corner:

20151024_121614The best part was that we didn’t have to buy any furniture. We just used and rearranged what we already had to make it work for us. I can’t believe Simon is in a big boy room! No nursery for him anymore!

After setting up a few things in the nursery, and patching up some paint in Elias and Simon’s rooms, we went to pick up the boys who had a blast. We found out that they both slept really well for Ama and Baba! I’m glad (and a bit jealous).

When Simon got home he was very excited about his new room. He asked me to take a picture of him on his big boy bed. He’s testing it out for the first time now during nap time.

20151024_140008Another success for the Smith’s!

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