Wish Us Luck!

Wish us luck tonight!

We’ve taken the front off of Simon’s crib.

Since Simon has a lot of transitions coming up in the next few months (getting rid of the binky, new bed, new sibling, potty training just to name a few), we have a carefully laid out plan for how it will all go…in the hopes that it will all go smoothly.

But you know how carefully laid out plans go when it comes to two year olds.

Tonight was the night. Nathan took Simon upstairs, gave him some allen wrenches, and had him help take the front off of his crib.

20151012_171735(Please excuse the messy room, by the way…we’ll be rearranging the whole thing in a couple of weeks so I haven’t felt the need to pick up any of the toys or make the boys do so….)

I had purchased a big stuffed animal for only $9 at Costco. We gave it to him and told him it was his “big boy bear” for his “big boy bed” and it would stay in the bed with him. He was so proud.

20151012_172300 20151012_172525After dinner, I made his bed with a real comforter and sheet set so it would really look like a big boy bed.

So far we haven’t heard a peep…but there are a lot of hours left in the night….and a lot of nights coming up. This ain’t our first rodeo. We’ll take little successes as they come, and the fact that we’ve been able to enjoy our evening so far without him coming out is a win so far!

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