Caleb – 10 Weeks

Caleb is 10 weeks old today. I still can’t believe how fast he is growing. Look at my smiley boy:

20160203_164041(1)Caleb smiles a lot these days. Today he gave smiles to Auntie Kristy, Mommy and Daddy, Elias and Simon, Ama and Baba, and Elias’ Spanish teacher (Senora Hull).

Today was also the first day that Caleb took a bath without crying the whole time. He started out unsure and with his classic bottom lip sticking out pitifully. By the end, though, he was smiling at us. I think we’re still a ways from giggling and splashing happily in the bath, but it was a great start!

At 10 weeks Caleb is very much a go-with-the-flow baby. Mostly it’s out of necessity. He really enjoys watching Elias and Simon play. He enjoys looking at other things too, though, and one of them is the board in our kitchen which displays letters and pictures from our sponsored children around the world. Caleb just loves looking at the board. At first I thought it was the faces, but he enjoys looking at it from the floor as well. When Elias and Simon aren’t around to entertain him, I can place him in sight of the board and be sure he’ll be entertained for at least a few minutes. Here he is earlier this evening while I was preparing dinner:

20160203_164011Another milestone this week was moving Caleb up to 6 month size clothes and size 2 diapers. My baby is growing way too fast! As I put away the size 3 month clothes that have been worn by all three boys I was sad to think that they may never get used again. It’s hard to let go of the baby stuff!

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One Response to Caleb – 10 Weeks

  1. Linda says:

    Caleb has a such a beautiful smile too!

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