More Family Birthday Fun

One of the best parts of having family in town is being able to celebrate together. We had a big combined birthday bash for Nathan, me, and my aunt. We decided to go to a Hops game together and then head back to my parents’ house for dinner.

The boys were super excited to see Barley. Barley even had a mini dance party with Simon who was thrilled beyond words.

20160717_132035For this game, we sat on the family burm. Caleb enjoyed sitting with Auntie Jeani and Uncle Jim.

20160717_134852He also enjoyed sitting in the grass and playing with my mom’s ticket envelope. I’m serious! This “toy” lasted him about 20 minutes until Simon took it away from him (we usually don’t let him have paper so Simon thought he was helping) and he let us know in no uncertain terms how he felt about it.

20160717_135506So he took a nap….

20160717_151913Daddy naps are the best!

Nothing, though, beats having a conversation with Uncle Scott. Caleb and Uncle Scott went back and forth making sounds at each other. It was very cute!

20160717_185144Another fun family celebration in the books!

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