Despite receiving numerous tempting offers for social interaction this weekend, we are being very protective of our time. We’re circling the wagons so-to-speak. Regardless of whether little Smith #2 decides to come tonight or three weeks from tonight, we only have a few more days as a family of three. (He will most likely be forced out at 41 weeks if he has not already done so).
We kept the calendar clear for the whole weekend (except for church, of course). Today was absolutely wonderful! We woke up around 7 as usual and just played and played with Elias. We also got some chores and some last bits of tidying up for the baby done.
After nap time, we wanted to get out and do something fun together, and my back was really bothering me so we decided to head to open swim. Elias had a blast, and my body thanked me 1000 times for getting the weight off if even for only thirty minutes or so.
Change is always hard. But we will never have this precious time back. These two years with our joy-filled boy being an only child are almost up. I’m glad we’ve made it a priority to just focus on the three of us for the weekend.