Lessons and Carols

Tonight I performed hand bells in St. Bartholomew’s festival of Nine Lessons and Carols. I was lucky enough to have Kimberly, Elias, and my family come listen to the service.

From the beginning of the prelude to the end of the show was about two hours, which is a pretty long stretch for Elias. According to Kim, he was “hanging on by a thread” at the end, and indeed, he started crying just after the recessional. Still, we got him to calm down so we could get some cookies and chat with friends.

It was a fun night, and we just put a tired boy to bed. Tomorrow Elias gets to make his first pilgrimage to Tillamook. In honor of that (and apropos of a hymn we sang tonight), I present the following:




Gloria in excelsis caseo

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One Response to Lessons and Carols

  1. janet Roth says:

    I hope you have sung or will sing your Christmas Carol for Ward (and Colleen who loves that sort of thing — and Margaret and……….ok, all of the choir, bell choir, and Charlotte w.)

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