First Real Swimming Lessons

P1150553Elias has been swimming a lot in his three years. We’ve done baby and me many times, and toddler and me a lot as well. This evening, however, he had his first real swimming lessons. He got in the pool without me or Nathan. We were prepared for both screaming and crying the whole time, refusing to get in the pool, and for him having a blast. What we got was somewhere in the middle.

Elias was super excited, but when he realized that he was the only one getting in he was a bit hesitant. Once Nathan got him in the pool, though, he was fine. He didn’t really do anything his teacher told him to do P1150557except for hold on to the wall. He just watched the other kids and watched the teacher. She sort of forced him into a few kicks and back floats. He looked pretty nervous.

At the end he didn’t want to jump. I was a bit sad about that because he usually loves jumps so much when we go swimming with him. But when he realized it was time to leave, he was quite upset about it. Elias cried

Simon wanted to be included as usual.

Simon wanted to be included as usual.

pretty much the entire car ride home, saying he wanted to stay a little longer in the pool. Telling him that we are going back in a couple of days did not help.

Overall, we are very pleased. I’ll probably be watching a lot of swimming lessons over the years. We’ve had a good start!

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