Finger Painting

Simon received a couple of birthday gifts today. One of them was a finger painting set. Both of the boys were very excited about it, and wanted to try it out all day. At first I said no because we had to eat lunch. Then I had to clean up lunch. Then it was time for naps, and then I wanted to get the boys outside for a bit in the clear weather. Then it was time to make, eat, and clean up dinner.

And FINALLY (according to Elias) it was time for finger painting. I knew it would be messy so I stripped the boys down to diaper/underwear as a precaution. I also very strictly instructed them not to touch anything except paint and paper.

Well…you see how well they did:

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The boys had a really great time, and while the finished products (you put the art work inside a cool flower or bug shaped frame) do not look like what is on the packaging, I think they turned out really cute.

I have to admit I lost my patience at one point when one of the boys touched my shirt with the non-washable paint. I wish I hadn’t. I feel like I ruined a good time. Expecting a two and four year old to keep things pristine on a finger painting project was unreasonable of me. But I am not perfect either so I will try to forget it and just enjoy the artwork, as I hope they will too!

The good news is that there are plenty more for us to try again another day!

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