Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Today was Nathan’s birthday. For the past nine days (since I turned 28) he has been telling me that I’m old. I’m in my upper twenties while he’s still in his mid twenties. As of today he can’t say anything, though. Because he’s 28 too.

We celebrated by having a relaxing morning, and going to church. Nathan got to play lots of video games while Elias napped. He also played in his rec softball game, and their team won! I did make him clean a few spiders off of the balcony. One of them was huge, and another had some egg/nest things going. But for the most part I think I gave him an easy day. I even let him listen to the new Bob Dylan album I got him…twice!

Happy Birthday, Daddy

The funniest part of the day, though, was when I was trying to get a picture of my two boys together for a birthday picture. Nathan had been taking practice swings with Elias’ toy bat, and Elias was interested in it at the time, so I thought it would be cute if Elias held the bat in the picture. Both of my boys are loving baseball right now…so I thought it would be appropriate. I had both boys smiling at me in the camera screen, and I pressed the button to shoot the photo. Just then Elias decided it would be funny to hit his daddy in the face with the bat. It was an accidentally perfectly timed shot. As soon as I saw it I burst out laughing…but then I felt bad because I was reinforcing bad behavior on Elias’ part. Luckily Nathan was not actually hurt by what happened…it just looks that way.

Anyway, it’s all part of being a parent…right? Being hit by a bat on your birthday is on the top of the “to do” list…..

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