During this beautiful weather we’ve been having (mid 70’s and sunny!) I’ve really missed having a backyard. We have a grassy area in our complex, but it is often filled with dog poo so we don’t go there. Other than that, a park is a fair walk away. So…we only have a few chances to get outside each day between naps and meals for two kids. I was feeling a bit frustrated to be looking out at the sun from inside as Simon napped today. Elias kept asking and asking and asking to do chalk, but I couldn’t go outside with the baby napping.
Finally, I let him out on the balcony to draw chalk there. I was reluctant, but figured that chalk is easily cleaned up. Our balcony floor could probably use a good wash anyway. He had a great time out there drawing, and was also fascinated with watching the birds in the trees only a few feet away. Our makeshift backyard worked well today. We got to breathe the fresh air and enjoy the sunshine only a few feet away from the napping baby.
As a side note, today was the first time that I’ve really seen Elias draw something that looks like what he says it is. Usually, he draws a bunch of scribbles and then says “It’s a stegosaurus” or something like that. Today he was drawing shapes that actually looked like what he said. He drew a pretty realistic square, rectangle, triangle, and half circle. There were no perfect 90 degree angles or anything….but they had the correct number of sides and proportions!