We completed our second annual trip to the tulip fields today. They are so beautiful, and although it was not sunny or warm, it was fun to just get the family outside together. Usually we don’t do family outings in the afternoons because of nap time. But since Elias isn’t napping much, and Simon sleeps anywhere, we decided to go for it! (Elias ended up falling asleep on the car ride down so we drove around for awhile to let him sleep a bit longer).
The place was packed with people. I’m glad so many people get out to enjoy God’s beautiful creation. Last year, Elias was 18 months or so when we went. He could walk, but was very slow on the bumpy ground. His language must have not been too developed either because we got excited when he said, “bumps.” It is amazing how much he has changed in just one year. Elias loved looking at all the flowers, and kept saying, “It’s so beautiful!” He also enjoyed smelling and pretending to eat the tulips.
Simon slept through most of our stay at the tulip fields. Maybe next year he’ll be walking too!
At the end of our stay, Elias and Daddy rode the cow train. I hear they had a lot of fun.
Here are a couple more pictures of our time there:

Elias took this tulip before we could stop him. You’re not supposed to pick them….we only failed once!